No Words, Just Thoughts…

about life and living abroad.

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Isn’t that Pinteresting.

As you may or may not know, I am a Librarian. I find stuff for people, they in turn are happy and I feel satisfied that I have helped them uncover new, exciting and amazing things. Lately this has splashed over into my private life via a brilliant website called Pinterest.

Pinterest is a site where you go and make collections, or “pinboards” of things that you like, your hobbies and interests. You can have numerous pinboards and you can view other people’s pinboards and add their “pins” to your own pinboards.

It’s a visually stunning medium and I love it. When I go into my pinboards, I see  these beautiful collages that represent a little bit of me, who I am, what inspires me, things I want to do, places I want to go, things that make me laugh – all made entirely from information that is out there in the vastness of the Internet. I’ve made great meals, sewn kids costumes, found wonderful gift ideas and most excitingly, inspired others I know to take a look and do all these same things too. And this is what I get a kick out of the most – in having a little fun discovering, finding, researching things for myself I’ve uncovered little treasures for others too.

Today brings “no words, just beautiful, fulfilling representations of life”.

You can find my Pinterests at:

I warn you though, it’s addictive.