No Words, Just Thoughts…

about life and living abroad.

Now Boarding.

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So we are now home and finally back in our house. But I could not very well leave out the pictures of us in transit. Might I say that none of our flights were straight forward. We had delays for every single leg of our journey. But the kids are so conditioned to travel that they just went with whatever was happening. Thankgod for the invention of the iPad and Nintendo DS.

Sleeping in airport lounges, diverts to other airport, overbooked flights, even a 1.30am boarding was all a part of the shenanigans of getting home and now seems like a distant memory.

Our first meal back in Australia was a meat pie with sauce at Sydney airport. Just brilliant. And I will always have a special place in my heart now for the Pie Face Company with their smiley meat pies. Hamish and Dylan opted for Hungry Jacks and unfortunately Dylan’s meal did not settle too well before hopping on the ‘bug smasher’ back to Canberra. Lets just say that the poor flight attendants rostered on that plane all day would’ve been happy come end of shift time.

It’s been a rough couple of weeks settling back, I’m not going to sugar coat it. We miss the lifestyle and every day conveniences that America had to offer. Fletch and I are really careful about not whinging too much as we don’t want to come off as “those” people with  the attitude that America is supreme. It is so often the perception that the rest of the world has and I guess the only way to legitimately explain it is by saying that there is a certain standard and quality of living that, (and not for all,) but certainly for us, was affordable and comfortable. There is a level of customer service and quality that is expected in everyday life and to have high standards means a profitable outcome for businesses and consumers who expect top products.

So I can buy clothing that is robust and will withstand constantly being put through a dryer. Clotheslines do not exist and I very rarely ironed. A life with less chores – nothing wrong with that! I can eat at a restaurant and have a doting waiter because on their $7 per hour minimum wage they need a good tip just to survive – a win for both of us. I can buy something and it’s sturdy, will work and not break or crap out after 6 months. It’s just different and I will never be judgmental in that respect again. Our house here needs work and insulation – so cold and we need to do a cull again. I have come back to a household full of things that we have held onto since our days of university group share houses and miss match bits and pieces and I do not know why we’ve hung onto them for so long.

So what have I loved and been excited about coming back to? Driving on the right side of the road again. I don’t have to think about it. It comes natural and the lack of cars and traffic in Canberra still surprises me. I love finding a lot of the meats and foods in our grocery store again, though I am so so SO bad at bringing my own bags now! I was so good at bring my own in America and I was definitely in the minority over there. You’d think paying for plastic bags here would encourage me but I am just out of routine. The coffee shop culture. I love going and sitting in a cafe again and having a real coffee. And all the lovely familiar faces of friends and family. Such a joy of all joys seeing you all again. If I could somehow make Ausmerica a reality and have you all with me while living over there, then life would be apples or maybe apple pie, for my new American readers and friends.

Today brings no words and a sudden urge for apple pie or apple slice from the local bakery.

Author: nowordsjustthoughts

An Aussie, a Librarian and a Mum of 2 boys, embarking on a journey of a lifetime. I am here to share my thoughts of what life is like when you move to another country to live. Australia to America - it should be easy right? Well lets see and experience together!

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