No Words, Just Thoughts…

about life and living abroad.

Scientific life.

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In my life I have seen many science centers and museums. San Francisco has one of the best in the world, and so there was no way we would be avoiding it.
The Exploratorium is down by the wharf area. It has all these little activity stations gathered around a big warehouse space and you just roll through and play/learn. It’s not over sciencey (is that a word? Is now), it really is about experimenting and seeing how things work. It has all of us engaged using really simple stuff like playing in sand and making slinkys go on escalators at different speeds.

And after a long day of playing we went to something called The Rainforest Cafe. It’s this ornately decorated rainforest jungle full of animals and rivers and you sit amongst the canopy complete with freaking out gorillas, vocal lions and ruckusing elephants and a storm that rolls in every ten minutes. It starts to grate after the first twenty minutes but the boys thought it was fantastic. Just keep those cocktails coming!

Watch out for the giant boa!

Watch out for the giant boa!

Today brings no words, just a little science museum fatigue and three very happy science nerds.

Author: nowordsjustthoughts

An Aussie, a Librarian and a Mum of 2 boys, embarking on a journey of a lifetime. I am here to share my thoughts of what life is like when you move to another country to live. Australia to America - it should be easy right? Well lets see and experience together!

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