No Words, Just Thoughts…

about life and living abroad.


Mums the word.

Today I put on my new sweater and it makes me happy because it reminds me of my Mum. I found it on the weekend in a shop over here called “Lucky Brand”. It’s the American version of Just Jeans. I wish she were alive as I would have sent it to her. Without hesitation or reason, just because I love and miss her. She would do stuff like that for me all the time.


My mother LOVED elephants. She had a cabinet full of them. She loved that they were a symbol of luck. She loved how majestic they looked. But mostly she loved how powerful, protective, emotional and playful they were as mothers. When Hamish was born she gave me a little blue toy elephant as a congratulations gift and for ages it sat up on my bookshelf. “Elephanty”, as Hamish calls him, went unnoticed for a very long while and then one day when Hamish was a Toddler he wanted it and I hesitantly gave it to him. I was hesitant because at this stage my mum had become sick with Cancer.

And when Mum was sick everything she gave me became that little bit more special and this is why I handed over “Elephanty” with mixed emotions. Why shouldn’t he have the elephant, which I guess in some respects was given to both of us. Hamish keeps it as one of his “bed friends” and when ever I can’t find it, I go into a mild panic until I’ve rummaged through all the bed-clothes and found the little blue critter bundled up in the furthest corner of the bed, miles from where child has been sleeping. When we travel, if he insists on taking it I watch it as closely as I watch the other two kids to make sure it doesn’t get left on airplanes or absent mindedly picked up by cleaners in our hotel room.

My Mum has always sent me special cards and presents. Sometimes I’d joke with her and tell her she was losing it because she’d sent me the same card three times in a row. She’d just laugh and say the card selection at the local flower shop was probably running low that week. Smiley faces, cuddling elephants, quirky giraffes, plump cherubs. They all became part of the weekly card and thoughts.

I’ve had these thoughts rolling around in my head all morning. Then as I was drinking my second cup of tea, I came across an article that my friend pointed out on Facebook. The article is called Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware. The Writer was a worker in the palliative care field and would often come across the same kinds of themes and regrets when talking to the terminally ill. She lists the five most common regrets:

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

It is like the Universe slapping me in the face to just blog it out! I can look at this list and say that I have within reason, most of these in check. Happiness quota filled!

Today brings no words, just a reminder to let yourself be happy. For me it’s as easy as wearing a jumper that makes me feel like I’m getting a great big warm hug from someone who cannot be here to give it in person.

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A Halloween Party – Pt.2

A Halloween party with an epic cast of characters in attendance. Lets take a look at some of the happy chappy’s who attended:

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We tuck into some brain food.

I made brain dip.

I made brain dip.

The guys stand around and take photos of their beers in an attempt to out-do each other on their beer app “untapd” (like Facebook for beer swillers).

The children run through an inflatable mini haunted house. At one stage it all goes mysteriously quiet and we find them having taken refuge in the house eating M&M’s and corn chips. Opps! There’s a spill. A rainbow of M&M’s scattered on the floor and by the time a dust pan and brush are retrieved the sea of candy has been hoovered by small children.

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Today brings no words, just a big thanks to Mr and Mrs Potato Head for a brilliant shin-dig.

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Cronuts and fanicures.

Today I am chillaxing and eating my cronut, also know as a doussant, in some comfy jeggings.

A cronut is a mix between a donut and croissant.

A cronut is a mix between a donut and croissant.

I take a sip of my tall frappacino and listen to Beyonce trill on about being Bootylicious. No twerking moves necessary today. I read the tabloids and catch up on the latest Brangelina and TomKat news. But then I see something. I stop. I have to have one! A Fanicure:

CG fanicure

“Oh,” I hear you sigh in relief. For a minute there I thought she meant something else!

Today brings no words, and no, I do not really want a fanicure and I don’t own jeggings either.

Ps. A “Portmanteau” is the term used for when you blend two words together. Taught ya something today!

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Costume madness.

We are off to a Halloween party on the weekend. A bunch of Aussies facinated with Halloween. It was bound to happen.

This is my shortlist for the orange carpet event. Notice how the selections get trashier and trashier the further down it gets?


I almost have everything for this look. Just need the Baseballers really.

Baseball gal – It is my runner-up, or should I say “batters up” choice if I don’t pull off my other costume. I have heaps of baseball shirts. Just need to find baseball pants. And a bit of red dirt for authenticity. It may be my only chance to imitate a Sports Illustrated model as I am not going near a swimsuit!

Surgeon – Scrubs are easy to buy over here. People wear them in public and it all seems quite acceptable. I’ve seen parents pick up kids from school in them. I’ve seen coaches running around at soccer training in them. There is even a shop at the local factory outlets here that sells them in an array of styles and brightly patterned materials. I can wear my Grey’s Anatomy T-shirt over the top that has “Seattle Grace Intern”.

Kahleesi from Game of Thrones – I like this costume for the one and only reason, so I can run around screaming “WHERE ARE MY DRAGONS!!!” at everyone. That wouldn’t be annoying at all.

Miley Cyrus – This runs low on my list because there’s a cold front coming through, but you can buy a knock off version of Miley’s body suit at the costume shop. It also runs low on the list because I could arrive to a sign on the door saying “all twerking activity banned.” Or I could pull a facial muscle and my tongue may have to stay hanging out of my mouth forever. Just too many risks to take.

Too could for the Miley costume.

Too cold for the Miley costume.

So what is the selection for the night? Today brings no words and no big reveal until party night.