No Words, Just Thoughts…

about life and living abroad.

The Australia Day Mystery.

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Awwww strewth! Someone flogged me kangaroo. Seriously!

We had two. One is now missing. Did cramming in two hundred people make him a little nervous and jumpy? Maybe he took off when he found out they were serving kangaroo meatballs. Or he crumbled under the pressure of being the flag bearer and mascot. Maybe the meat pies were a little on the small side. Or maybe the snow covered lawn looked too refreshing and inviting.

Where did he go? That will have to remain a mystery. “Scooooby Dooooby Doo” is for some reason on my mind.

Today brings some words of choice, a little song I can now sing with feeling:

“Tie me kangaroo down sport…”

Author: nowordsjustthoughts

An Aussie, a Librarian and a Mum of 2 boys, embarking on a journey of a lifetime. I am here to share my thoughts of what life is like when you move to another country to live. Australia to America - it should be easy right? Well lets see and experience together!

One thought on “The Australia Day Mystery.

  1. Great tribute to all that is familiar, especially poignant as I sit in Te Papa Wellington, catching up on my email! Perhaps your missing macropod has hopped back home?

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