No Words, Just Thoughts…

about life and living abroad.

Lady of Leisure (LOL).

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This week has been unusually calm and routine. I’ve enjoyed the quiet and will brace myself for next week which starts with a public holiday and a week of early school pickups. Today is forecast for snow in the afternoon. Dylan is conflicted as to whether to be excited or not. Fletch is away at the moment so Dylan is worried that he won’t be able to fly back in, but at the same time he is pretty keen to go play in the snow.


So what does the Lady of Leisure (LOL) do with herself on a typical average day? Well, this mornings school drop off was cold. The sun is out shining and it doesn’t look like the kind of day that would bring snow but I head into the grocery store and buy some stewing meat. Out comes secret weapon of the LOL – a crockpot. Dinner made with minimum of fuss and time. Other leisurely pursuits can now fill in time that cooking dinner would have taken up.

I see football cakes as I walk in the supermarket. Football is very exciting around here at the moment. The local football team, the Baltimore Ravens are in the playoffs. And in the stores there’s lots of “football food”. What is football food? Really just finger food, the games are quite long and they start and stop the clock all the time. So a game that starts at 4.30pm in the afternoon may go on until 8.30pm at night. People tend to have these snacks and finger foods on hand. Loaded potato skins are now a favourite in our house and I’ve learned to perfect this with the help of my favourite American cook Ree Drummond, aka The Pioneer Woman.

Yesterday the LOL took Hamish to find some ski boots in anticipation for post Australia Day ski trip. He decides on a pair of boots which at first he calls army boots as they are a camouflage grey, but then decides they are hunting boots and he begs me to go to the big outdoors centre here call Bass Pro to get a hunting jacket and hat. Good to see he’s getting in touch with his inner redneck.

One of Dylans class mates has an Aussie mum. She suggest we make Anzac biscuits to celebrate Australia Day. Not a bad idea, the kids in general are very curious about Australia. But the LOL is overthinking things – I wonder what I could use as a replacement for golden syrup. Then I’d have to rename the biscuit to Australia Day cookie. Because over here biscuits are scones and also because then some little kid will want to know about what Anzac means. Too long and involved. So I’ve decided to go for the good old lamington but in a cupcake so they are easy to handle.

The LOL also dabbled in a little stop motion movie animation. Wallace and Grommit eat your heart out! It was something that I thought would be fun and I knew the boys would find it hilarious to watch a movie staring their toys. I showed Fletch my first attempt which reenacted school pickup of the boys, using a variety of Starwars and Thomas Tank Engine toys. Just hours earlier I’d been complaining I was too busy. “Yes, I see you are way too busy”, was my husbands reply on viewing my movie. It’s on my facebook page if you have a burning desire to see it, but it’s nothing worth losing sleep over. No critical acclamations from my husband is probably a good forewarning.

Today brings no words, just a LOL at the LOL, loquaciously lolling on about being a LOL.

Author: nowordsjustthoughts

An Aussie, a Librarian and a Mum of 2 boys, embarking on a journey of a lifetime. I am here to share my thoughts of what life is like when you move to another country to live. Australia to America - it should be easy right? Well lets see and experience together!

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