No Words, Just Thoughts…

about life and living abroad.

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The birthday “gathering” Pt 2.

Wow, I have a whole new appreciation for Dylan’s first grade teacher, actually all teachers in general. I was exhausted after 2 hours with 6 kids (that’s including my two). Upon arrival they run around the house with excitement, screaming and playing tag. Thankfully they move onto hide and seek and the squealing stops.

We had ordered pizza for lunch and it arrives just as everyone is turning up so we sit them down pretty much immediately and they all hook into lunch. Dylan’s mates tell stories of funny things he does in class. It’s hilarious listening to them talk. Half the time when Dylan tells a story there’s certain things that you have to guess. You need to fill in the blanks and make a story out of the facts that are stated. It’s like that for the whole meal. Dylan coyly watches on as they tell these stories of funny things he does and I still have no idea what most of them were about but it makes the kids laugh – guess you had to be there.

Then it’s cake time. There’s the funniest 7 year old rendition of Happy Birthday I have ever heard. A few impromptu verses and added lyrics. And if you think I was dreading what may happen after sugar from cake enters kids systems, you would be absolutely correct. I mean they were running around crazy before sugar, so I knew that after cake could be challenging – at least for my ear drums. But I was prepared.

In anticipation days earlier I had gone to this big ass crafting warehouse and found these nifty little “perler beads”. There is a number of different peg boards which you use to make a design and then you iron over the top of the beads and they fuse together to form a shape. So they have to concentrate on choosing a pattern and colours and sorting through bowls of beads to make their creations. This ropes them all in and miraculously holds their attention until pickup time.


Today brings no words, just a little jig of success because my party idea payed off and my ear drums are still intact.