No Words, Just Thoughts…

about life and living abroad.

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What a good boy.

Last week at childcare the teacher came up and told me how much she enjoys having Hamish in her room. That he takes direction really well and developmentally he is further along than some of the other kids in the room, that he can control his emotions (as much as a three year old can), very well. Huh? I need to pinch myself. Are we talking about the same kid here? Jokes aside I’ve noticed a change too. He growing and maturing and I find myself enjoying hanging out with him more. It’s that stage when your kids become that little less demanding, it’s not so much about looking after them – wiping, feeding, dressing, cleaning. And more about the fun stuff – joking, reading, playing, outings.

Being second born, Hamish has always learned things from his brother. He sees Dylan doing something then he assumes he can do it too. There’s no telling him no, and to do so brings on tears and tantrums. But we are coming through to the other side now and I am enjoying hanging out with him more with every new day. With Dylan it came a little earlier, just that different personality really. Where as Dylan is a little more easy going and a follower, always looking on watching others and having a laugh, Hamish is more the source of the laugh, the leader, the charismatic child that loves an audience.


But for a few months solid, it was challenging to say the least. “Highly strung” is the diplomatic way my Husband and I would term his antics and behavior. It’s these traits that we hate because we see them as the traits that are a part of us. Dylan’s need for perfectionism or just not try at all, Hamish’s impatience and quick temper – I know where they get them from. And I guess with that awareness I also try to encourage new positive behaviours such as saying “well imagine what we may not have achieved if we had just given up”.

Yes, Hamish still is trying to assert himself on a daily basis, still hates to hear the word “no”, but is steadily working out who is the boss around the house. This morning he was walking out to the car dancing and singing “shake shake your peanuts”. My suspicion is that he’s misheard Dylan talk about that other piece of male anatomy starting with P. But I am quite happy to let him run with this misinterpretation for the moment.

Today brings no words, just thoughts on how a mothers love never wains though sometimes the likability scales can tip either way.