No Words, Just Thoughts…

about life and living abroad.

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The butt of all jokes.

WALLOP! “Don’t point that butt at me!”. Hamish chuckles and then runs off. Now there’s a jolt back into reality. This is one joke that I am starting to get sick of. But I only have myself to blame. Ever since Hamish and Dylan were little we’ve had this joke with them. They will often times absent mindedly sit on the lounge watching cartoons in that childs pose where their head rests on the pillow and their bottoms stick straight up in the air. It should have a big red bullseye painted on it, I mean who can resist. Fletch and I (in the following order), say “don’t point that thing at me!”, give them a light smack and they jump a mile and giggle.

But now Hamish is at that height where his line of sight is at butt level. One slight turn in the wrong direction while he is around could end in a touche ambush and not a light tap but more WWE smackdown strength slapping. There is no warning that the slap is coming, it usually is said after the hit has been initiated and target taken down.

Yes, this joke has come back to smack (not bite – thank goodness) me on the butt quite literally. Is there something that you regret joking about with your kids? We are just keeping our fingers crossed that he doesn’t try this joke on his teachers at school!


Today brings no words, and hopefully no reports of butt smacking from childcare!