No Words, Just Thoughts…

about life and living abroad.

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Lost and Found.

The missing kangaroo has been found, though not retrieved. He’s been taken hostage! By Canadians! Negotiations have been initiated and the left over meat pies and sausage rolls frozen, ready for his safe return.

He’s been treated well he tells us via Facebook correspondence. Any captor that allows Facebook access must be OK. And I wonder if his sense of taste for vegemite will alter to the sweet taste of maple syrup. I guess I can live with that as long as he doesn’t develop Stockholm Syndrome…

Today brings no words, but proof of life. Now we just need Russell Crowe like negotiator to pitt bull his way through and get him out. Spare no beavers!

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My Little Snowbunnies.

This week Dylan gets a couple of days break from school. We take the opportunity to go away. A little ambitious being the day after our Australia Day party. We get up in the morning and semi clean the place up. Pack our snow gear and head off on our first ski trip. We are heading to a mountain top resort in West Virginia called Snowshoe Mountain. It’s about a 5 hour drive and while we could have stayed in Maryland to ski, we take the opportunity to go a little further as Fletch has heard about this resort that has a little village in it and you go straight from your accomodations onto the ski fields.


Now there are four of us in our family, but whenever we go on long trips we always have one extra. Her name is “Ginny”. She’s bossy and opinionated, telling us where to go and always deciding that she knows the best way to go. And if you don’t listen to her, boy does she have a thing or two to say. She decides we need to get off the highways and go through the country side.

She takes us through all these tiny villages and towns, where houses fly confederate flags and have huge barns. I joke with Fletch that they look like a scene from a post apocalyptic zombie movie. Will we see zombies come out of the woods running down the cleared rolling green fields? We drive on single lane country roads, through back mountain passes where the “roads” are just dirt tracks. At some stage both Fletch and I both have our doubts we are heading in the right direction, but the mileage count is still ticking down, so I figure we must be getting to our destination. We resolve to take our second portable GPS with us next time we travel.

Upon arrival first task is getting clothes and car seat laundered. Yes, Hamish loses his lunch on the mountains just before we reach the resort. After that we find something to eat at the numerous cafes and restaurants and settle in for the evening. We get ready for the next day of snow fun.

Dylan has a full day of ski school with five or six other kids all around his age. Fletch takes him to his class, then pops off for his ski lesson. There is noone around on these runs so he does his lesson, skis on his own for a bit and then goes to watch Dylan for a bit, then ski a bit more. We suspect it’s quiet being a Monday and because we are in a different state so kids are still at school. Fletch has a ski instructor to himself and for the most part the whole ski run.

I have a plan of attack for Hamish and I. He is still too little for ski lessons. They start at 4 years old. There’s a ski tube but again for 4 and up. There’s a preski school for his age which is booked out. But I thought I’d take him to the indoor heated pool. So that morning I ring up to find out whether you take your own towels, but get a recorded message that it doesn’t open till 2pm. Oh. Maybe we could go to the indoor activity centre. Call that up, again same message saying they open at 2pm. So we go and have morning tea in the Starbucks and then we go up to the snow and build a snow bunny and have snowball fights. We play in the snow for a couple of hours by which time he’s exhausted and we come home, have lunch and he has a nap.



Hamish wakes up refreshed and we head off to the kid indoor activity centre and he goes on the jumping castles and slides. Later we find Fletch and Dylan in Starbucks on our way back to the room. Fletch tells me Dylan did really well. He thought that Dylan may have thrown the towel in because he was falling over so much at first. But he stuck it out and by the end of the day he was flying down the hills. He sits there drinking his hot chocolate and is quietly triumphant. He’s got no energy and even at dinner it’s the most calm and sedate I’ve seen him in ages, warn out from the activity.

So I can say that it was a very nice little break, the return trip involved no wayward roads and more importantly noone losing their breakfast!

Today brings no words and not a single drop of snow for the whole time we were away, even on the mountains.

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The Australia Day Mystery.

Awwww strewth! Someone flogged me kangaroo. Seriously!

We had two. One is now missing. Did cramming in two hundred people make him a little nervous and jumpy? Maybe he took off when he found out they were serving kangaroo meatballs. Or he crumbled under the pressure of being the flag bearer and mascot. Maybe the meat pies were a little on the small side. Or maybe the snow covered lawn looked too refreshing and inviting.

Where did he go? That will have to remain a mystery. “Scooooby Dooooby Doo” is for some reason on my mind.

Today brings some words of choice, a little song I can now sing with feeling:

“Tie me kangaroo down sport…”


Peas for Degrees.

This week in my rebellion against dumbing down, it is my goal to get through and finish an article from the New Yorker magazine. For a fleeting minute, I even think about getting a subscription to the magazine. (Magazine subscriptions are really cheap here, you buy a years worth for the same price as what you would pay for one or two issues on the supermarket stand). But for now, I will be happy with just an article. After having children my attention span has shrunk to the miniscule size of a baby pea. One of those ones that drops out onto the floor and rolls into a corner, forgotten and shrivelled, hard and dried to the core. I find it as I am sweeping out the kitchen of my mind, look at it with fondness and remember…

How did this happen? I am a university educated woman. When did I lose that shiny green, minted, flavourful zesty intellect? Why has my attention span now turned into something on par with “Dug”, the dog from the Disney movie Up. SQUIRREL! I do not watch many movies anymore, infact there isn’t alot that really interests me. I think the last movie that I really enjoyed and watched without absent-mindedly browsing on my ipad was The Hunger Games. I do it all the time. I pick up the ipad, start browsing, oooh, I have snoopy dollars to collect, or there’s a sale…before i know it, half of the movie is gone. I am even conflicted about liking The Hunger Games because I firmly believe in reading a book before watching the movie as they are always better, but I am giving in because I know I’ll never get time to read it first. Same situation with Twilight and Harry Potter.

It takes me forever to read a book because I cannot read without feeling like I should be doing house work and if the kids are home well we all know how that ends. So I think i’ll just go check facebook for 5 minutes, see what everyone is upto and then go start on [insert ridiculously mind numbing chore here]. I choose books with short chapters, that move fast, it still ends with me losing concentration. And if I am not careful? Ooops, lets just say that the minty green fresh pea is now mush, squashed under my own foot, the heal of reality and burden of schedule.

Today brings no words, just thoughts on – LOOK SQUIRREL! how one maintains intellect in the age of mindless electronic portable devices and the crazy time wasting apps that have me raging, despairing and antipathising all at once. Mushy pea soup anyone?

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Lady of Leisure (LOL).

This week has been unusually calm and routine. I’ve enjoyed the quiet and will brace myself for next week which starts with a public holiday and a week of early school pickups. Today is forecast for snow in the afternoon. Dylan is conflicted as to whether to be excited or not. Fletch is away at the moment so Dylan is worried that he won’t be able to fly back in, but at the same time he is pretty keen to go play in the snow.


So what does the Lady of Leisure (LOL) do with herself on a typical average day? Well, this mornings school drop off was cold. The sun is out shining and it doesn’t look like the kind of day that would bring snow but I head into the grocery store and buy some stewing meat. Out comes secret weapon of the LOL – a crockpot. Dinner made with minimum of fuss and time. Other leisurely pursuits can now fill in time that cooking dinner would have taken up.

I see football cakes as I walk in the supermarket. Football is very exciting around here at the moment. The local football team, the Baltimore Ravens are in the playoffs. And in the stores there’s lots of “football food”. What is football food? Really just finger food, the games are quite long and they start and stop the clock all the time. So a game that starts at 4.30pm in the afternoon may go on until 8.30pm at night. People tend to have these snacks and finger foods on hand. Loaded potato skins are now a favourite in our house and I’ve learned to perfect this with the help of my favourite American cook Ree Drummond, aka The Pioneer Woman.

Yesterday the LOL took Hamish to find some ski boots in anticipation for post Australia Day ski trip. He decides on a pair of boots which at first he calls army boots as they are a camouflage grey, but then decides they are hunting boots and he begs me to go to the big outdoors centre here call Bass Pro to get a hunting jacket and hat. Good to see he’s getting in touch with his inner redneck.

One of Dylans class mates has an Aussie mum. She suggest we make Anzac biscuits to celebrate Australia Day. Not a bad idea, the kids in general are very curious about Australia. But the LOL is overthinking things – I wonder what I could use as a replacement for golden syrup. Then I’d have to rename the biscuit to Australia Day cookie. Because over here biscuits are scones and also because then some little kid will want to know about what Anzac means. Too long and involved. So I’ve decided to go for the good old lamington but in a cupcake so they are easy to handle.

The LOL also dabbled in a little stop motion movie animation. Wallace and Grommit eat your heart out! It was something that I thought would be fun and I knew the boys would find it hilarious to watch a movie staring their toys. I showed Fletch my first attempt which reenacted school pickup of the boys, using a variety of Starwars and Thomas Tank Engine toys. Just hours earlier I’d been complaining I was too busy. “Yes, I see you are way too busy”, was my husbands reply on viewing my movie. It’s on my facebook page if you have a burning desire to see it, but it’s nothing worth losing sleep over. No critical acclamations from my husband is probably a good forewarning.

Today brings no words, just a LOL at the LOL, loquaciously lolling on about being a LOL.